Shifted /


Dick Sutphen   Date: 6-24-05


Web-radio and teleconference information at the end of column.

I am going to talk about shifting as if it were so. Although there appears to be supportive evidence, it is still a belief, and beliefs
are something we do not know.

"Shift thinking" says the vibrational rate of our planet is accelerating to the point of activating metaphysically-oriented people.
By activating, I mean their thinking is already more in tune with higher vibration, so they are experiencing and responding to this
planetary increase more than others. They are being "shifted" or "called" to do more and be more ... and to walk away from negativity.

Their vibratory essence will no longer be capable of tolerating negativity. So they will respond to new callings -- new careers that
will be of more service to the planet. In relationships, if the couple is not growing together, or if one partner is holding the other back,
the union may be dissolved in favor of "spiritual partnerships" with mates of matching vibrational rates.

Gary Zukav talks about spiritual partnerships in his book "Soul Stories." The new males and females have transcended cliché gender
roles and approach life with confidence and expanded viewpoints. They follow their hearts on a spiritual journey. Authentic power is their

These new males and females have new ways of relating. They do not desire to control others. They seek to establish harmony, co-operation,
sharing, and reverence for a Life created together. They're partners in spiritual growth. Love and trust, not marriage vows keep them together.
They're best friends who enjoy each other. And they're equals.

"That is what a spiritual partnership is -- a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth," says Zukav. "We are all
beginning to want spiritual partners, and to create spiritual partnerships. Shallow talk isn't enough anymore. Making money, raising
children, and buying houses aren't enough. Only spiritual growth satisfies."

Imagine the uplifting vibrational power of millions of people thinking like this. There are maybe 100 million New Agers around the world, and
if they are shifted to a higher level, they are going to carry millions of others along with them.

An environment of negativity pulls people down. But within an environment of positive higher vibration, people are pulled up, closer
to the Godhead. Some believe this shifting is in preparation for a transition in 2012. Others feel this is a natural evolutionary process that will herald the
demise of fear-based religion and the rise of love-based spirituality.


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