How Negative TV shows affect our health


Summary of TV Show number 34

TOPIC: : How Negative TV affects your Health “

The interview is with Martin J. Bauer an assistant Professor at N.C.C.C. in communications. The main part of the interview is how negative TV affects the viewer, and how their life style is affected. The interview also talked about how some TV shows are becoming a positive role for people.  Martin explain why the media goes with the negative media over positive media, and why the media is picking this way to inform the masses over positive TV. Martin talked about how negative TV can put stress into people lives.  Martin also talked about how this is starting to change from negative media to positive media.  Martin talked about some of the positive media, which is happening across the nation.  He also explained what is
being taught in college today that will be affecting what the media will be doing in the future.  In the end the viewer has the final decision on what a person is going to watch.


Too Much TV Can Have Negative Impact On your Health