
Have been very busy since the New Sun convention, working on Educational CD’s and teaching tools for the company. Have completed a teacher series for the pH Balancing and Respiratory System. These can be used for your own education or for classes to teach your downline. There will also be available presentations for holding Wellness Hours, based on the body systems and the most useful herb/formulas. Perfect for informal gathering of friends, family and anyone interested in learning more about the holistic approach and what herbs/formulas to use. I will be taking orders for them and the information can be found at www.holistic2u.net look for the tab that says, Educational CD’s. Will be getting out the different body systems in the next few months, so check back often or drop me an e-mail. If you have a group and would like me to teach anything for you… let me know, my schedule is booking up fast!


Great news for those who were unable to make the New Sun convention.. there will be a Regional Meeting at the Lord Amherst in Williamsville with a full day of education. Pass the word around and bring a friend or two, lots of education and information to share. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, October 8. More details will be coming.


By the way the New Sun Convention was awesome. There was a ton of great information and some exciting new products. The most important is the Salmana. Maybe you have heard of Glyconutrients. New Sun now has them available in stronger potency and almost half the cost of the competitors. Glyco’s are not easily found, (only a few companies have them) so this is a great bonus to have available to us. Dr. Peyton spoke on the product, has been using the competitors for years with good results and finds the New Sun Salmana getting even better results. They work by supporting the cells of the body to communicate with each other. We were amazed at the case study reports and clinical findings. Here is some info, you might find interesting. I have much more to tell you so will send another e-mail!!!


Salmana with herbs #37-2,    80 capsules, Member price, $34.95 Start with 1 and increase to 2-2x a day. It helps bowels too.

Salmana with herbs, #37-1,   3.5 oz powder, 100 grams  Member price, $58.95 Follow directions on container but start with less than recommended and increase.

"The biggest revolutionary change in the war against disease is represented by Glyconutrients. If you do not want to become a patient (and therefore a statistic) you need to answer in your own mind and heart if what you are doing for your health is optimal, and if not what else can you do."

- Michael D. Schlachter, MD Board Certified Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Disease Clinical Instructor
"I really believe that Glyconutrients are something that will become mandatory for overall health, and the reason I have come to these conclusions is because I have spent the past several months doing what I call research on the research. And when I would do searches on glyconutrients, and especially a lot of different disease processes, I was floored by the number of quality studies that are out there that have shown such benefit and promise in a myriad of diseases ranging from diabetes to arthritis. " -

- Rob Ortmann, MD Immunlogist and Research Scientist
It has been discovered that cells need 8 essential saccharides to communicate to other cells. If these saccharides are not present, then bad cells, such as cancer cells, are not destroyed, thus multiply.

Good cells are often mistakenly destroyed.

Scientist have found that although we need 8 saccharides stacked on each cell, only two can be found in our food sources and so we have no way to obtain these saccharides any more. This is largely and almost completely due to over processed foods and green harvested fruits and vegetables. Thus the rapid decline of health in America. Solution!

Since all diseases begin at the cell level, the human body must have these saccharides to overcome disease or illness and to maintain health.

This discovery is the new science of GlycoBiology and is changing, extending and sometimes, saving lives.


Glyconutrients have changed the way that scientists have always viewed carbohydrates, as only being important to supply energy. It is now known that glycoproteins form the structure of every cell in the body, are necessary for proper cell functioning and for cells to communicate.

So, what happens when cells do not communicate clearly their needs, because they are lacking glyconutrients? Let’s look for instance at the immune system. Natural killer cells are the body’s first line of defense. They go alongside other cells to determine if the cell is “one of our own” or an invader, which needs to be destroyed (like a bacteria or virus), or if cells are growing out of control, like cancer cells and need to be controlled. One can imagine the critical implications of miscommunication between cells. It is a subject so important, that the 1999 the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to Dr. Bloebel, who discovered the glycoprotein cell to cell communication mechanism.
In fact, scientists have made some very interesting findings from the exhaustive studies using glyconutrients (over 20,000 worldwide in 1998 alone). Getting back to thinking about protecting oneself and strengthening the immune system, consider the following. Glyconutrients have been found to:

1) Increase natural killer cells (the immune system’s first line of defense) in healthy people 50% and in sick people up to 400%
2) Have a modulating effect on the immune system which has never been seen before. For instance, scientists found that in lupus patients, the hyper-active immune functioning was decreased and hypo-active immune functioning was increased
3) Stimulate glutathione production, meaning glyconutrients act very effectively as anti-oxidants
4) Have anti-viral and antibacterial effects
5) Be completely non-toxic
6) Have no drug interaction

Only when a person consumes the nutrients to build healthy cells (that can communicate effectively), can they have healthy tissues, healthy organs, healthy systems and a healthy body.


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