Healing the Spiritual Way

Healing the Spiritual Way - through the Teachings of Bruno Groening Medically Verifiable
By Liz Sterling
Have you bought bottled water lately? Did you know that some gourmet brands cost $3.00 or more per gallon? Water... something we always thought would be free. And with the financial demands that drive our internal engines of worry fear and doubt, it's no wonder we have dis- ease in our lives.
The good news is the new millennium has uncovered contemporary ideas that are rooted in ancient antiquity. Today, as we watch television or peruse the bookstores, we find a proliferation of intriguing material on miraculous healings. Maybe this is what we have lost: the connection with the greater possibilities that can lift our spirits and heal our souls.
Fortunately, new partnerships are emerging in our world. It has been hundreds of years since science and medicine have aligned to document miraculous healings. Yet today, more than 6,000 physicians and healing professionals document and medically verify healings that happen spontaneously and solely with the help of something that is absolutely free. Just as the air you breathe is available 24/7, so is the Healing Stream, a term commonly used by the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends.
This non-profit organization has introduced over 100,000 people in 60 countries to the teaching of a man who lived humbly and cured many.
In 1949, the name Bruno Groening became a household word in Germany overnight. Reports about him appeared in the press, in newsreels and on the radio. Events surrounding the "Miracle Doctor," as he soon came to be called, kept the whole country in suspense.
Bruno Groening's teachings explain how an individual is able to obtain good health by tuning in to The Healing Stream. To absorb this healing stream, the person seeking help sits with his hands open, palms upward. His arms and legs are not crossed, for this blocks the free flow of the healing stream. Thoughts about illness and personal problems have an inhibiting effect, while thoughts about something pleasant are beneficial.
Physicians connected with the Medical Scientific Group of Specialists (MWF) record healings as they occur. In their time off, they travel worldwide and hold lectures about Bruno Groening, his teachings and the healings. Learn more about your right to claim what is still free... the air you breathe, the thoughts you think and the health of your life, body and family.

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