Bruno Groening


In international forum of healing professionals

Photo of Bruno Groening

The Medical-Science Group MWF

In international forum of healing professionals

In 1984 when the Hamburg doctor, Matthias Kamp, first heard about Bruno Groening's teachings for spiritual healing, his first reaction was sceptical. But then his professional curiosity prompted him to make a closer study of the healings, which did not conform to any scientific tenet. Soon other doctors joined him and with them Matthias Kamp formed the Medical-Science Group MWF (the German name is: Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Fachgruppe and the initials MWF are standard for all languages) in 1992. This has developed into an active European forum of several thousand doctors and other professionals in healing who feel themselves in accord with the spirit of Bruno Groening.

Matthias Kamp is the author of the book "Bruno Groening - Revolution in Medicine" published in 1993 (second edition 1994) in which he not only creates a living portrait of this extraordinary man but also postulates the value and significance of spiritual healing in today's health services.

Through publications, lectures in major European cities and medical conventions twice a year - in Cologne and Vienna - the doctors working with Matthias Kamp aim to prepare the way for the acceptance of spiritual healing, which in Germany still meets with incomprehension and rejection. In Britain spiritual healing has been an integrated form of therapy in medical care and the National Health Service for decades.

Spiritual healing is a phenomenon which scientifically orientated people today find difficult to accept without hesitation because it has no rational, intellectual explanation and therefore Seems to be wrapped in an aura of mystery. This is where the work of the MWF takes over. A medical anamnesis of the case histories submitted to them aims to make the healings understandable. This includes the documentation of medical reports made before the healings - when these are available - as well as follow-up examinations made by a panel of independent doctors.

In this way, over the past years, an archive has been built up that indisputably proves that organic and even degenerative illnesses can be spiritually healed. To deny this, or try to explain spiritual healing as the result of suggestion, is no longer viable in the face of so much factual evidence.

The skilled professionals who work in the MWF do so without remuneration, as a gesture of thanks for the healing which they, or others, have received. It is their wish that as many as possible of their colleagues come to share their way of thinking and convince themlselves that spiritual healing through the teachings of Bruno Groning offers them new ideas - or a way of healing.

Since the end of 1988 the Medical-Science Group in the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends has documented thousands of cases of help and healing.
