Ancient Sounds for Healing



With Carol Lee MacKay

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York and author of "Sounds of Healing," published by Broadway Books states:

Sound can change our immune function. After chanting or listening to certain forms of music, your Interluken-1 level, an index of your immune system, goes up between 12 V2 and 15 percent. In addition, about 20 minutes after listening to this meditative type music, immunoglobin levels in your blood are significantly increased. There's no part of our body not affected. Even our heart rate and blood pressure are lowered with certain forms of music. So, it affects not only our soul and our spirit, but it affects us on literally a cellular and sub-cellular level.

Many indigenous cultures believe that every vowel sound is a divine sound... all of these...even the African ritual chants and Native American songs and chants use virtually identical tones and sounds to elicit a deep meditative state. So, it doesn't require believing in any dogma. These sounds affect us on a physiological, spiritual and emotional level.

I found people who were living in fear every day were suddenly able to really live in the moment using sound. That's when I started looking into studies on how sound can heal and transform. I found out Gregorian chants or classical music can change our brain waves to alpha and theta waves that are very relaxed. (See below)

He was asked: So you're saying the disruption of harmony leaves us open to disease?

Absolutely. Disease is a form of disharmony. Ifs a little naive of the medical profession to think that you can allow people to go on with stress and depression and pessimism and frustration every day of their lives and not believe that eventually it's going to manifest in some form. But, if you want harmony in your life, harmony in your body and in your world, you have to find your own inner harmony. That exists in each of us and when you learn to access it your whole life begins to miraculously transform. That's how all of us were meant to live each day of our lives.


My note: Electrical activity is always going on in the live human brain. Different frequencies correspond to different states of consciousness. In a nutshell, "normal waking" consciousness means the' brain is generating electricity in the' "beta" frequency (13-25 or more cycles per second); "alpha" (8-12 ) is generated when we are daydreaming, in light trance, or the early stages of meditation; "theta" (4-7 ) is in between waking and sleeping, where we frequently experience bursts of insight, intuition, and creativity; and "delta" (.5-3.'5 ) is mostly deep sleep.

May "Ancient Sounds for Healing" awaken your inner healer and enhance your life and the lives of others.

Carol Lee MacKay, Center of Intuitive Healing

Phone (716) 565-0120


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