The Last Will and Testament of Your Beloved Pet



The Last Will and Testament of

Your Beloved Pet

Given to you by Rev Renee Karen


 Death comes to everyone.  We are touched by it throughout our lives.  We mourn our relatives. Some of us are afraid for our furry friends. We feel unless you are a pet lover no one else understands how we feel.

 The death of one who has been our friend and faithful companion and taught us the meaning of true friendship is often met with remarks such as “What are you carrying on about “ “It’s Only an animal.” “You can always get another one.”  “Only” an animal can give you total acceptance and unconditional  love. And therein lies the beginning of the understanding of the magical link called the human- animal connection.


This connection is a relationship filled with mutual love, respect and commitment, responsibility and joy.  A relationship that is available 24 hours a day.  A relationship that is free of judgment and tolerant of every personal defect, alternation and failure. Can we say the same about our “human” relationships?


When are precious pets are ill, we really start to fall apart.  We just take them for granted until some serious illness takes place.  When death knocks at our doors, most of us cannot even cope.  People tell “us to get over it”…All we can do is to get through it.

The five classic stages of grief are: Denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

As a minister, I have helped hundreds of owners

through their grief process. I can go to the owners home and do a memorial service. This helps the whole family and friends in the grieving process. Individual grief counseling is also advised.


 I know words sometimes do not have any meaning in times like this.  I thought the words

from a precious pet may help you instead.





 I, your ever-faithful companion because of my

burden of my illness upon me, I realize the end of my life is near, so I hereby leave you my words for my Last Will and Testament.  It will be very sorrowful to leave you but not a sorrow for me to die. Animals do not fear death as humans do. We accept this as part of our lives. What will become of me after death?  I will be in a place where I will always be young.  A place that will be a paradise for me.  Some people call that “Heaven” Yes, animals have souls.  God has a special place in heaven just for us.


I have another request.  Please find another animal to be at your side. I know no one can take my place, but I will feel better knowing you are taking special care of another pet.  I will leave that pet my leash, or my collar. My favorite pillow, or the special place in the car. It would be a poor tribute to me, if no one ever followed me.


One last word of farewell dear ones…Whenever you think of me say to yourself that I was the one you loved; and how much you loved me.  No matter how deep my sleep, I shall hear you and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail. May the angels always watch over you as they

watch over me. Remember…I will always be with you in love.

You have my permission to share this message.


Rev. Renee Karen, Non-denominational Minister,

Intuitive Pet Communicator solving behavioral problems, Pet intuitive readings and healings, (read for humans as well) Pet Memorial Services and Pet Intuitive Grief Counseling.


Joyous Celebrations Ministry


Out of state…can do phone readings. For an appointment call 716-284-8400. Check website

for more details.  I live in Niagara Falls, NY..check

for time differences.




(Go to the pet connection)

I want to be the voice for your animals


