Wellness Brochures from Independent Health on Cancer, Weight Loss, Mammography, and to Quit Smoking


 Wellness Brochures Independent Health has the following brochures available:

Independent Health's Web Site Offers Healthy Solutions
Staying healthy and happy starts with being informed. Discover some healthy solutions at
www.independenthealth.com . Once there.click on the Wellness tab, where you will find information on the following:


. Choose a Healthy Weight For Life

 . Cervical Cancer Screening

. Colorectal Cancer Screening

. Mammography

. So You Want To Quit Smoking

If you do not have internet access and would like to receive any of the information listed above, please call our member services department at (716) 631-8701 or 1-800-5013439, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Our representatives will be happy to send a copy to you upon request.