ALL supplies included; $20-Please preregister and prepay
Come in and learn how to make a wand with Kenna-wand making made easy!
Have you ever want to make your own magick wand? Here's your chance.
Wands can be used for many things including energy work, ritual work,
your own pleasure, and for your special décor.

This workshop will provide all the necessary things to make your own
personal wand. We will have a choice of woods to work with at varying
widths and lengths for your options. You will learn how to burnish your
wand and coat it for protection. You will even have the chance to
decorate your wand if you so desire. The workshop will be a hands-on
experience that you will be able to do again at your leisure whenever you wish.
If you wish you may also learn how to cleanse, charge and bless your

June 16th at Herbal Magick


Call Angela for reservation: 439-5144

11:00 a.m. until you finish [a couple of hours or so]

See you there!

Blesses, Usn's
Elen sila lumen omentielvo. [A star shines on the hour of our meeting.] JRRT: L.o.T.R.,F.o.T.R.
May you walk always in the warmth and love of your deity or deities.
As Always,
Greyspirit [Kenna] and Claymore

I am now asking everyone to pre-register and pre-pay for classes. The class $$ is non-refundable unless canceled by the teacher or myself for non-related reasons; in that case, the entire fee will be refunded. (I am fair about it~) All classes are $20 or under!! Check below for schedules and pricing. If you can't come in to pre-register and pay, you can mail me your fee at the shop address below. Please send the information of which class you will be attending and all of your personal information, so I may contact you if necessary. Thank you for understanding!

Angela Blackley
Herbal Magick inc
402 West ave.
Lockport,NY 14094
Tuesday-Friday 10-7
Saturday 10-4