Stop Smoking Now

Stop Smoking Now

Developing Will and Determination
Nicotine is a powerful addiction. If you've tried to quit smoking and failed, you know how tough it is. Just thinking about quitting is enough to make most smokers edgy. It's been said the psychological, or mental side of nicotine addiction is more difficult to beat than cocaine or heroin. If you're in the position of wanting to quit and not being able to, I'm sure you would agree with that.


Quitting is very possible though, and thousands do it successfully every year.

How do other people do it? More importantly, how can you do it? What is the trick to getting the motivation to quit and stick with it no matter what? Does it just magically come to a person when they're "ready" to quit smoking?

If you rely on being "ready" before you quit smoking, you run the risk of never quitting. Sponsored Links
Quit Smoking Chart

Even people who are ready when they quit, often return to smoking before a year has passed.

Statistics tell us that approximately 7% of those who quit without support are still smoke free at the end of the first year.

Those aren't great odds. With education and a solid source of support in place though, the rate of success climbs dramatically.

To create the will and determination you must have to succeed, start by learning what quitting tobacco is all about. Discover what you can do to prepare, and find out how others have done it, or are doing it.

Successful cessation doesn't happen by accident.

They say knowledge is power, and it's certainly true. The more you learn about how to quit, the more power you'll have. That power translates to control when you're 10 days into cessation and craving like crazy. You'll have the means to deal with those cravings. You'll know to expect the occasional bad day, and what you can do about it. You'll know where to go for help.

Lay your foundation.
Empower yourself with knowledge.
You'll be rewarded with increased motivation and will.
Make it happen!

Believe in the process of quitting tobacco, and believe in yourself. Remember, you can do this just as well as the next person. Those who have quit successfully don't have any secret power that you don't possess.

Review your reasons to quit smoking.

You'll live longer and the quality of life will be much better
You will lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and COPD
You will help your loved ones health by not polluting the air they breathe
You'll have more energy and stamina
You'll have a lot more money to spend in better ways than on cigarettes
You won't have to live with the guilt and fear that smoking breeds

Start writing. A quit smoking journal is a tool that's worth it's weight in gold. Your reasons to quit are a great way to get your diary underway. Use it also to answer some questions:
If you've quit smoking before, what worked well for you and what didn't?
What improvements and changes can you make?
What will be your most challenging situations, and how do you plan to handle them?
What can you do to change your environment to promote breaking the associations you have to smoking?
What do you like about smoking?
What do you hate about your addiction?
Who can you count on for support?
What benefits do you envison in your smoke free life?
Set your quit smoking date. Pick the day you plan to quit. Put some thought into it by considering the following:
Make the date within the next couple of weeks. Any longer than that, and you may lose enthusiasm.
Choose a time when you will have the least amount of stress around you.
Clear a path for a few days of free time if you can. Those first few days are tough, and if you don't have obligations and can focus on pampering yourself, it will help.
Some people prefer to be busy when they first quit to keep them distracted and moving through the withdrawal phase. Some prefer to sleep it away. It's a matter of personal preference, really, but be prepared to do whatever you need to do to make yourself more comfortable. If that means taking a sick day and staying in bed, so be it. The symptoms of early withdrawal are intense, but short-lived.

Lay the foundation for a solid, well thought out cessation program. Don't let the process of recovering from nicotine addiction scare you! Quitting can be done, and you'll love the person you become without the chains of addiction weighing you down.

Very important that you see your doctor before doing anything in this web site.  We do not recommend anything in this WEB SITE. You should always consults your Doctor before doing anything medical with your body.  This is just any information site.


Stop Smoking