Your personal and business checks

Your personal and business checks

  • · Never let merchants write your SSN on your checks. It's illegal in many states, and it puts you at risk.
  • · Do not have your SSN, driver's license number, or home phone number printed on your checks. If you have a P.O. Box, use that instead of your home address.
  • · Pick up new checks at the bank instead of having them mailed to your home address.
  • · Don't leave outbound envelopes containing payments in a home or office mailbox for pickup, in a car, or in any other place where they might be stolen. Checks can be altered and cashed, and provide the thief with your account information.


What identity thieves want most

Your Social Security number is the key to cloning your identity.

Your bank accounts

Reduce paper transactions

Mail and marketing lists

Trash and shredding of personal information

Your personal and business checks

Your wallet or purse

Credit, debit, and ATM cards

Credit reports and credit files

Shopping and application forms

Web sites and email

Computers and networks

Passwords and PINs